I like the way you think: Einstein!

I am so so sorry about not writing for the last to weeks. As much of an excuse as it might seem, I seriously underestimated the effort it takes to find new topics to write about, that and the trouble it would take to balance school work with blogging.
Anyway, while getting my books for this year, I had stumbled across a shelf full of what I like to call dream fodder. The dream being to own all of them! One book in this shelf was called "Albert Einstein" by Alice Calaprice and Trevor Lipscombe, and last week I began reading it. Seeing as I live in India most people here would scoff on a lot of my views- either calling them overly optimistic or plain stupid- but in that book I found a kindred soul- a few decades dead- but history just so happens to be my favorite subject. That's  right folks, I happen to share ideologies with one of the greatest minds to grace the surface of this planet, the very same ideologies that were mocked by a lot of my fellow Indians. One such shared ideology is that militaries shouldn't exist. Before I get another rant on how the country would be invaded if the military were disbanded, just let me explain what I mean.
I don't hate anything, more than I hate the reason we have a military to begin with. I absolutely abhor that a person can look across the wall and see a possible extension of land, but not see a possible extension of hand. That people can preach about loving their neighbours, of being peaceful, but then turn around and force others into submission, take away their homes, their soil and their very lives, that they can displace so many people and still manage to rejoice over the new acquisition as if their hands were not soaked in the blood and tears of thousands! That gets to me!!
I hate that we 'need' an army to feel secure in our homes. That we 'need' someone we don't know ,who we'll likely never meet, to give up their lives, so that we can keep ours. I hate the kind of training these people are put through, that they even need this kind of training!
........To finish off this rant if mine, I ask you would you like to stand completely covered in scorching weather, to freeze in icy winds, to swim through waters where the bed is far below that they might not even recover a body? ..... Just think about it. If you wouldn't do that yourself then why ask someone else to, why make someone fear you so much that they would do that? 


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