Always Fall Down, Never Stay Down
Its that time of year again! When stress and worries become the anthem, and failures seem like biblical beasts, inconcorable. Some people lose their will to fight the moment they are faced with footfalls. Some folk prepare as if they are going off to war, but as the stress mounts, they go blank. They sabotage themselves and then mentally beat up a tiny version of themselves for what they perceive as an unforgivable offence.
After this comes the advice. The helpful suggestions, the further condemnations .The best advice that anyone can give- or receive- about life is, to go through life like an infant. When a baby is just learning to walk, there are bound to be failures. No baby has ever just gotten up and walked. They get up, they stumble, they fall, but most importantly they never get discouraged, they never fall down and then stay down. No matter how hard the floor is, no matter if their adults are frightened for them; at best they’ll wait maybe 10 minutes before they are right back up again. The best thing about that is, not a single baby who had the potential to walk, has ever failed. Since this is true, then obviously babies have mastered the secret to success. The proof is probably standing near you as you read this.
So what is this foolproof plan for success that every ‘BABY’ on earth has perfected, but that they forget as they age. Well, this is actually very simple. No baby has ever been discouraged by their failures, no matter how numerous they might be. No baby has ever questioned their worth because they fell. Sure they fall, then cry and fuss, but once their anger at the pain is out of their system, they forget their failure and forgive their mistakes.
Sometimes people look at their failures, at their flaws ( both physical and mental) and think, “How imperfect!”. Some particularly hypocritical people will forgive those very same flaws, provided they show up in other people. This needs to change, because no successful person has ever looked in the mirror and thought that they were broken or that there was no future left. No baby ever gave up, so why should you?
Just remember that, as any seasoned bibliophile can confirm, if you were a character in a book, then all those flaws and failures that you think break your character, are actually what make your character.
Not giving up is lesson to be learned